{5 ARTICLE TO DEMONSTRATE THE CONTROL {5 CODES USED IN GRAPEVINE {6 NORMAL TEXT {1Colour 1 {2Colour 2 {3Colour 3 {4Colour 4 {5Colour 5 {6Colour 6 {1When a colour is selected, the text stays that colour until another colour is selected, or until another page is started, in which case it defaults to white coloured normal font. {6 FLASHING {1 Add a{{7 to make the text flash, this command flashes one line, or characters until it finds another flash command, {7{1Colour 1 {7{2Colour 2 {7{3Colour 3 {7{4Colour 4 {7{5Colour 5 {7{6Colour 6 {1And now it's off! Or you can {7Flash {7individual characters! {6 DOUBLE HEIGHT {1This is turned on with{{9, it must be followed with a blank line! {9 THIS IS DOUBLE HEIGHT {8{9THIS IS THE 2ND FONT IN DOUBLE HEIGHT The double height command MUST be used on every line it it needed. You can colour and flash it as described above. {6 SECOND FONT {1 This is turned on with{{8, it MUST be turned on EVERY line, this is used for sub-headings etc. {8ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkl {8mnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!"£$%^&*()_+- {8=\\[]:@;#><,. It can be coloured, flashed and put in double height as described! You can mix the normal and second font eg. {8Hello {8there {8its {8easy! {6 DOUBLE WIDTH FONT {1 This is used mainly for titles etc, it MUST be turned on every line. It is turned on with{{A, note that it MUST be a capital A, and every character followed with a space; eg. D O U B L E Which looks like; {A D O U B L E {6 DOUBLE SIZE FONT {1This font is used for titles; it MUST be turned on every line it is needed. It must have each character followed by a space and must be followed with a blank line eg; {9{A T H I S I S B I G ! And you can colour or flash it! {6 POWERPACKED FILES {1This article tester can handle files which are in either powerpacked or not. {6 USAGE {1From the CLI type; "Grapevinetest MyArticle" simple huh! {6 NOTES {1All the control commands do NOT take any space on the screen, they are treated by the grapevine software as control codes. Look at this file in a text editor, it should help you understand! end.